Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I've been carrying these around for 6 days...just waiting on the inevitable.


But don't get too excited, because according to 5 of these:


One of these:

I am most certainly not with child.

And even with 6 confirmations of my un with childness...I still have that glimmer of hope. Because my period isn't here and I've never been a day late ever...except of course with Barclay.
Plus, my boobs are so swollen I can barely put my arms down. But those tests don't lie.

My mind has thought of every possibility, and my fingers have googled every phrase I can think of...

And still I wait. Let's please get this show on the road.

1 comment:

  1. with the risk of getting your hopes up....

    this happened to me once

    and I was actually pregnant

    grin! =)


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