Thursday, September 30, 2010

19 Weeks

19 Weeks

Precious Sullivan,

I think I'm in the clear for morning sickness and I am SO thankful it didn't last as long as your brother's did.

I am having a LOT of headaches and backaches. I'm very confused by this since I haven't gained any weight at all, and with your brother I was actually doing hand stands and cart wheels at 1 week overdue. I never felt SO pregnant and So uncomfortable. But I do now at 19 weeks. My midwife said it is not due to the pregnancy alone, but due to the combination of the pregnancy plus lifting your crazy brother hundreds of times a day. I've started seeing a chiropractor so hopefully I'll have some relief soon.

I've also started walking and swimming nearly every day which is glorious!

I've been craving hot breakfast tea with cream, beans and rice, and Dynamite Shrimp from PF Changs.

I never EVER thought I'd see the day when I'd loose track of how many weeks and days I was, and how big you are compared to a vegetable...but I must say, since I've started feeling better, time is just a zooming by. You'll be here before I know it. I cannot wait to see how your personality is different from your brothers. I can't wait to see what makes you, YOU.

I love you precious one,

Your Mama

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