Friday, January 14, 2011

Barely Pregnant

34 Weeks 2 days.

Cravings- Ice cream and ice...and we have had snow on the ground for the past week!
Sleep-Bizzare. I have horribly itchy skin from a "slouchy pregnant liver" as the dermatologist put it. I am constantly thinking there are mice in my bed. Since we moved in our house we have caught 2 and they make my skin crawl!!! I also pee at LEAST 6 times a night. Not to mention my husband has been snoring and talking very loudly.
Weight gained: 2 lbs the whole pregnancy. But I have a lot to start with.
Barely Pregnant:
Well at least I feel that way. A week ago exactly I was in the hospital, had to be transfered to another hospital with a NICU because they thought Sullivan was going to make his appearance. 3 different horrid drugs, 3 IVs, 1 cm dialated, an ambulance a blizzard, and a negative Fetal fibronectin test sent us home after about 11 hours.

I have since been sent to the ER once more.

I am still pregnant and so happy to be nearing the time where going into full blown labor will be an exciting thing instead of scary. My midwives said they will deliver at our local hospital if I can make it to 36 weeks (which was ironically my due date with Barclay, Jan 26th).

I've had a really hard time with being sore from the contractions, going out of my mind wondering if my water had broken, or if the contractions were stronger. It has really been a big test of my patience.

Thankfully so many friends and family have helped us out lately. Whether it be unpacking, grocery shopping, cooking meals, taking Barclay for the afternoon...I've been on bed rest nearly the whole time and have been able to rest.

But I'm starting to feel like time is drawing near. A chapter is about to close. I cry nearly every time I put Barclay down or have a sweet moment with him because I know my attention will have to be split in two. Although it might be good in the long run for Barclay's ego;-)

I finally got a few newborn clothes washed and have a few tiny items in my hospital bag. It's all becoming real to me now that this train isn't stopping!

Although I think that maybe after all, he just might come late like his brother;-)


  1. be ready to be amazed at your own body's ablity to have that baby quickly. i wouldn't be suprised if you really enjoy this delivery experience. Raziel was my fav delivery by far.


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